Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Moments of authenticity

Earlier today I was striding through the airport, dodging all the slow people and whizzing past the confused ones, and I thought about how much I love airports. And especially how much I love walking through airports in a purposeful manner while dragging my rolling suitcase and carrying my tote. It's even better if I'm talking on the phone at the same time.

And this got me thinking about moments of authenticity in my own life. I feel alive and happy and purposeful in airports, but there are other moments in which I feel that I am totally myself. Such as walking to class, with a cup of coffee in my hand and my favorite vintage Coach briefcase slung over my shoulder. Or bringing a horse back into the barn after riding while teasing Phineas with my whip. Or standing knee deep in a river. Or reading on the porch (any porch) with a cup of coffee.

And now I'm wondering about your moments of authenticity, dear readers. Or possibly reader, singular. I don't have a fancy tracker to know if anyone reads this besides people who talk to me about it later.

Hmm. Someone just called me from what seems to be Roanoke, VA, but then didn't talk. Was that you, Julie?

Also - when did they start planting crops in circles? While flying over some otherwise boring parts of the country today I noticed that instead of the normal squares and rectangles, there were lots of circles.

Also - how much do I wish I could stick my head out the window of an airplane? THIS MUCH. Because I bonk my forehead on the window every time while trying to get a better view of whatever I'm looking at on the ground.


  1. Most of your moments seem to be when you're walking fast to get somewhere, carrying a bag and something else in your other hand.

  2. Agreed. What do you think that means? I'm happiest in motion?

  3. I think you just have a thing for luggage. Think it over.

  4. i think the circle crop planting is weird, too, but i know why it happens. it's because farmers have these giant irrigation pipes that come out of the ground at a central point, and then spin around that axis in a circular shape, distributing water to crops that have no natural business growing where they are. at least, that is the theory i have devised after many plan trips.

    can't wait to see you in about a week!!!

  5. Okay, so major thanks to Erika, who I do not know, for explaining the circles because we saw them on the way to California and I was SO CONFUSED, but clearly not interested enough to research.

    I know what you mean about "walking quickly with something in your hand." I feel the same way. I think it suits me better to describe it as being efficient. Knowing the task and getting it done as quickly as possible without actually running. That's also how I feel after checking the last thing off of a To Do list.

  6. I love the same airport feeling, but it's best for me after getting off a train and turning the right direction for my exits. I also love the moment my students enter the room and I can say good morning while purposefully prepping the room for the day. Authentic moments, ah.

  7. lanier i just found your blog!
    i was looking for your phone number haha. it was not me that called you.

    hmm authenticity....anything around a horse. even when they are doing stupid stuff. like climbing out of a round pen..
