Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Little Women

I've been re-reading the book Little Women, by Louisa May Alcott, which was a favorite of mine when I was younger. I found it in my bedroom at my parents' house and thought to myself "hey, I loved this book, I should re-read it".

That was a mistake.

What a sanctimonious pile of bullshit this book has turned out to be, upon further (and admittedly, more feminist) reflection. The 4 main characters (all sisters) are continuously taught that the mark of a good person is one who never considers her own needs, but rather lives quietly and humbly and without desire. Granted, promoting the welfare of others and loving your neighbor and living within one's means are all excellent ideals toward which we should all strive. But every time one of the girls has a thought towards something she wants personally or a life outside of a heterosexual marriage that produces children, she is shamed by the others.

The most pious character, for god's sake, is so meek and loving that she's afraid to leave her home or speak to strangers, and eventually she dies of downright sickliness. And she's the gold standard to which they all strive! A woman who wants nothing but to live silently at home and serve her family is the model citizen.

Jo, the rambunctious one, is constantly criticized for enjoying exercise and speaking frankly. Her slight temper and outspoken honesty are major character flaws, in the opinion of her sisters and mother. She writes "little stories" which bring her great happiness and even a measure of financial independence - so guess what happens in the end? That's right, she gives up all of that to live quietly as the matron in a house run by her husband and filled with their children. WHICH BRINGS HER TRUE HAPPINESS. Not her writing - her duties.

Ok. I'm not saying that happiness can't be found in a family, in a husband, in children, or in service to others. But can we agree that there are multiple paths to happiness? I get that this novel was written in a time where women were taught that their own hetero marriage and household was pretty much all they could hope for, but how can this author be excused for exhaulting a sickly child and repressing a vibrant woman?

Oh, and even the "vain" one isn't allowed to find happiness until she stops having personality and turns to silently grieving the death of the meek one full time. At that point, and only at that point, does another character decide he loves her.

End lecture.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009


I'm in limbo right now, waiting to hear back from GA State, and it's starting to get to me in a bad way. I can't make key decisions, like whether to fix the Volvo, when to leave town, which relationships to pursue and which to let go entirely, where to look for apartments, where to look for jobs, etc.

My job at the bar isn't going well because they've stopped scheduling and promoting shows, so there's not enough customers coming out which means there's not a lot of money to be made. I've been planing for some time to leave at the end of June, but the way it's going I could leave at any time without missing out on too much money.

I can't decide whether to keep pushing forward with energy or just hold really still until I find out what the future holds. I'm tempted to hibernate, although I know it's not good for me. But there's so little action I can take.

I'm stuck!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

I'm sitting on my parents' porch in Pleasantville (not the real name, but more accurate) with a cup of coffee and two dogs, watching the neighbors roll by in their fancypants golf carts. The perfect blond mothers are taking their perfect blond children somewhere. Perhaps to a play date. Phineas is not pleased, because he hates things that roll and make noise.

I'm at home because on Saturday my friend Katie married my other friend Nick. It was a really beautiful wedding, and it genuinely reflected the character and asthetic of the bride and groom. Or at least of the bride. I suppose I can't say for sure about the groom. But there was a candy buffet and lots of giggling during the ceremony and plenty of silly pictures. I was the HBIC (read as: Head Bitch in Charge) for the wedding, because that's the roll Katie asked me to play. I kind of enjoyed being a wedding coordinator. I don't think I'd want to do that kind of thing professionally, but I got the whole business off without a hitch. Most of that, mind you, was due to Katie's EXTREMELY detailed schedule and well thought out vision of how she wanted things to go. But my watch and I deserve some credit.

After the wedding I thought it best to change scenes entirely, so I went to a hiphop show. My friend Mike (MIKE PALM!) is the tour manager for 2Fresh, who are these adorable twins who play a really kickass show. So I went to that in my formal wear and felt totally out of place, but it was really fun. It was interesting to see how Mike and his friends live. On the one hand, they're professional musicians touring the country and making money, but on the other hand they're hanging out at house parties hosted by 18 year olds and trying to figure out what happens in the morning. It was like being in high school and being a post-college young adult at the same time.

Phineas just busted through the gate on the front porch in order to break out and attack a dog who was walking by. Why must he be such an asshole?


On Thursday night I worked Sundown but left early to start driving. Lots of people questioned my choice to start a road-trip at 3:30am, but I felt like it was the best idea ever. I haven't been as happy in a long time as I was when I got on the road. There's something really profoundly exhilirating to me about being on an open road with nothing but miles of interstate in front of you. I had a fast car, a loyal dog, loud music, and a giant cup of Mello Yello to keep me company, and I felt GOOD.

I had a fast car because I had to leave the Volvo at home. It's developed quite the oil leak, and the leak is worst while driving, which means the oil has spattered all over the undercarriage of the car. It's covering most of the bottom of the car and has essentially baked on there into a thick paste that's highly flamable. Basically, if I drive it at high speeds for a long amount of time, it could explode into a giant fiery ball of terror. Which, on the one hand, is AWESOME, but on the other hand is a little deadly, so I guess I'm going to have to fix that.

I'm sleepy. I had a really odd night last night, which I will not detail in an attempt to protect the vaguely innocent. But since it's my blog and not your blog I'll just say this: You are a very stupid man. And you should probably work on that. But regardless, I doubt I'll ever try you again.

I think I'll go hunt for the ingredients to make brownies for Cookie of the Week club.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Non-sequiter updates

A guy told me the other night that as long as your headwear and your footwear are clean, you're rockin it. This was a hip-hop kid, and it was said in reference to my comments on his extremely fancy hat. I'm pretty sure he meant that your head/foot accessories have to be "fresh" and not merely "not dirty", but what do I know. I was wearing Crocs and no headwear at all.

I didn't walk or even go to the ceremony, but Friday was graduation day for the graduate students. Barring any big surprises from the Big Orange Screw, I'm officially Lanier, M.A. My master's thesis is the best thing I've ever written, and I'm really proud of it. I need to do something to celebrate, and I'm thinking a small cocktail party in the Sunsphere. Yes?

I've started running for exercise. I had to make sure I still hate running, and I do, but my tiny new boobs make it a lot easier. Phineas, on the other hand, LOVES running. He's faster than me and wants to run for longer than me.

I made my very own Spitzbuben the other day. These are otherwise known as Crack Cookies. I'll post some pictures soon, since I got more preserves to make another batch. Sooo goooood. I'm holding out for Jessica's grandma's recipe, but the one I have is really yummy.

I found out that my ex-boyfriend is delusional. I had made my peace with him simply being an insecure asshole, but it turns out that he sincerely thinks I should drop all academic pretensions and be a housewife. His basis for this reasoning is that I like cooking and crafty projects, and one time I let him help with the most simple part of part of my statistics homework. I never really talked to him about my academic work because he didn't understand it and he would go off on lecturing tangents, and perhaps this gave him the idea that the stuff I did talk to him about, ie: baking, was more important to me. Or maybe he's just a delusional moron who once told me he was smarter than me and that I shouldn't continue grad school to get a PhD because we should start having babies immediately.

It's Mother's Day. A few weeks ago I thought it was Mother's Day because of all the adverts, so I called my mom to wish her a happy day, only to find out that it was weeks away. I'm going home this coming weekend, so maybe I'll make her brunch or something then.

I'm going home for Katie's wedding. I have procured the perfect black dress and new black heels, so I think I'm ready. But I want another cute and summery dress for the rehersal and shower nonsense, so maybe I'll keep shopping...

Work is really weird now because my bartending parter in crime, Mr. Palm, has left me. He got a "real" job as a tour manager for a hip-hop group. Another bartender got suspending for drinking too much while on the clock. So now there's only two real bartenders left. At least I still have my own pet barback. I'll post a blog about him soon.

I'm working on two pieces for publishing right now. They're both pieces of my thesis, and one is dumbed down and made exciting with the intention of publishing it in a women's magazine, and the other is for an academic journal. Yay, publishing!

I'm sad that both of the newspaper vending machines (what the hell are those called, anyway?) in my vacinity are jammed, because I really want a Sunday paper.

Time to work on Erika's present, watch some TV, and figure out what to do with my evening.